Tech Savvy Case Study

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Tech Savvy Filipino Millennials called Phillennials (Fillennials) were born at the dawn of the new age, between 1980 and 2000 where technology was already available. Being born at the center of the digital revolution, millennials are considered to be the digital natives. They have been exposed to fast-changing technology where they can find out anything through the internet. In a study entitled “Connecting with the Millennials” sponsored by Visa, one in two Filipino Millennials said that they cannot live without their Laptops or Personal Computers while 37% said that a smartphone is a “must-have”. The study also revealed that 71 percent of the Phillennials visit Online Networking sites through their computers or Smartphones while 73 percent use instant messaging or chat rooms through their electronic gadgets. Weekly usage of Facebook and Yahoo both reached 93 percent with an average of 13.07 and 13.87 hours spent on these sites per week, respectively. Commenting on posts, chatting with friends and sending messages are the common activities of these Filipino Millennials in the Online Social Networking sites. Targeting this kind of market would be an opportunity for the brand since they make up almost 1/3 of the Philippine population. Being…show more content…
“Engagement” is a big word for this generation since they are proactive group that desires to change the world and that they are motivated to do things with feelings. They are also willing to support products or services that contribute to great cause which include advocacies pertaining to environment, poverty, LGBT rights, human rights, and social justice. This kind of characteristic that the Filipino Millennials exhibit shows an opportunity for the brand to target them since Wacoal Sorci-age supports projects such as the “Takbo Breast Friend” that promotes Breast Cancer

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