World War II In The Philippines Essay

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A. Introduction The Province of Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines and is the smallest province in the country with a population of 16,604 (Conesus 2010) people and land area of 219.01 km2. The capital of Batanes is Basco, 280 kilo meters north of Apari, Cagayan. The island is approximately 162 kilometers north of Luzon and 190 kilometers south of Taiwan. This island-province comprises of ten small islands; out of which, Batan, Sabtang and Itabayat are the mainly inhabited islands and are the most visited because of its scenic beauty. A few of the must visit places are: Vayang Rolling Hills; The Light Houses of Batanes; Morong Beach and The Churches of Batanes. In addition to its picturesque views, the weather is rather pleasant as it is…show more content…
This essay is going to study the causes, courses and effects of World War II in the Philippines. The purpose of this essay is also to look at how Batanes was involved in the World War II and how the war impacted the island. This essay will also analyze the immediate effects and the long-term effects of the…show more content…
The 1st Infantry Division, Philippine Commonwealth Army (PCA) was established on May 5 and lasted until Aril 9, 1942. The unit engaged in military operations in Bataan from January 1 to April, 1942 supporting the United Stated Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) led by General Douglas MacArthur against the Imperial Japanese troops led by General Masaharu Homma during the Battle of Bataan in 1942. In the beginning of Battle of Bataan in January 1942, the local troops of PCA 1st Infantry Division were sent to Bataan to increase the USAFFE forces against the Japanese. The battle lasted until April 9. 1942, the local troops under the PCA 1st Infantry Division surrendered to the Japanese Imperial

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