Tasers In Law Enforcement Agencies

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Law enforcement agencies generally support the Taser as a well-intentioned tool. It not only protects the officer from injury but it protects the suspect as well. According to Taser International, more than 13,400 law enforcement agencies around the world now use Tasers, more than 375,000 individual officers have them and more than 181,000 private citizens own one. The Taser has been a great asset to law enforcement. Since its introduction in the late 1990’s injuries to officers and suspects have decreased. According to Taser International, suspect’s injuries were reduced by 79% when less lethal weapons were deployed, 5.4% of Electronic Control Device (ECD) deployment prevented the use of lethal force, officers injuries were reduced by 86% and Tasers have saved more than 75,000 lives from potential death or serious injury. With the reduction of officer’s injuries, it reduces the number of Worker Compensation claims and saves the department a huge amount of money due to the fact the officer is not at home recovering from his injuries.…show more content…
Tasers have the ability to deploy from a safe distance thus can reduce the risk of injury to both officers and suspects. In the probe mode, Tasers are effective against people who do not feel or respond to pain. Once the Taser is turned off or cycles through (5 seconds) the pain affects and immobilization ceases. The pain is usually limited to the duration of the cycle with no long lasting effects. Some disadvantages may be the limited area the Taser can be used (flammable area, elevated ground), the possibility of secondary injuries (fall, bruising), and multiple cycles may increase the risk of injury and/or death. The controversy over how the Taser is to be used and the lasting effects are still under debate including whether or not there’s a direct link in deaths after Taser

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