Systemic Functional Linguistic

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Systemic functional linguistic (SFL) is a theory of language that it focuses around the notion of language function; a central notion is "stratification", such us that language is analysed in terms of semantics, context, lexico-grammar and phonology-Graphology. The context focuses on three kinds. They are field, tenor and mode. Field deeps on what the text is taking about, for example "medicine, education or science". Tenor is the relationship between participants. It is the power of relation. It shows the equality and inequality relation. Also, if there is closeness or formality. The last kind of the context is the mode. It is the channel of communication. It tells us if the text is spoken, written of mixing. Semantic is focuses on pragmatic.…show more content…
They are ideational semantic, interpersonal semantic and textual semantic. Ideational semantic is the prepositional context. Interpersonal semantic is classifies with the speech-function and expression of attitude. The textual semantic is how the message structured as a message, for example theme structure or rhetorical structure. Also, there is another concept of analysis which is critical discourse analysis (CDA). It means a variety of approaches towards the social analysis of discourse (Fairclough & Wodak 1997, Pêcheux M 1982, Wodak & Meyer 2001 which differ in theory, methodology, and the type of research issues to which they tend to give…show more content…
We noticed that text (1) uses more intransitive clauses. On the other hand text (2) uses more transitive clause. Verbal verbs in text (1) are seen as central, for example refugee (sayer) spoke (verbal process) across the border. But in text (2) the use of action verbs is more like the verb in sentence The offensive (actor) sparked (material verb) fears (goal). In text (1) there is one short passive, but in text (2) there is no short passive or long passive. In text (1) the writer use verbal verbs with shown the sayer is to tell us that it is important in that event and he is human participant. But in text (2), the uses of action verbs are to show the importance of actor in the important action. The participant is tangible, it is

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