Indonesia Geography Analysis

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This chapter presents an overview of the Republic of Indonesia, West Java Province and the research area, Kabupaten Subang, and its geographic location within the West-Java Province. It contains a brief description of the geographical and historical background of Indonesia, commencing from its geographic location and figures, its ancient history, through the Dutch period up to and after independence. As an island country in South-East Asia, its strategic position at a crossroads between two oceans, the Pacific and Indian and two continents, Asia and Australia, has inevitably influenced the social, cultural, political and economic life of the country. The sociography of Subang is also elaborated and this includes a description of the history…show more content…
It has a total of 1,910,931.32 km2 of mainlands, spread in about 16,775 island, which more than 7,000 islands are uninhabited. The total area is extending 5120 km from the east to the west and 1760 km from the north to the south,which has a strategic geographic area, as it lies amidst the continents of Asia and Australia and the two oceans of Pasific and Indian. The territory of Indonesia stretches along the Equator, from 6008’ North Latitude to 11015’ South Latitude and from 94045’ to 141005’ East Longitude. It is divided into three geographical sub-territories. The first one is made up of the large islands of Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan, including all the other smaller islands in-between located on the Sunda Shelf which expands from the sea-coasts of Malaysia and Indo-China, where the sea-depth does not exceed 700 feet. The second sub-territory is the easternmost area; Papua and West Papua, which are the western part of the island of New Guinea, including the Aru Islands, which is located on the Sahul Shelf, that stretches northwards from the Australian coast. In this sub-territory of the country, the sea-depth is similar to that of the Sunda Shelf. The third part of the territory is situated between these two shelves and is made up of the group of islands, including Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Sulawesi. The the sea-depth of this sub-territory reaches 15,000…show more content…
The total land is excluding the area of Sea,which is consisted of 284,210.9 km2 of the territorial sea, 2,981,211 km2 of Exclusive Economic Zone and 279,322 km2 of 12 mile sea zones. It has borderlines with other countries, i.e. 820 km borderlines with Papua New Guinea, 2,004 km with Malaysia (in Kalimantan island) and 269 km borderlines with Timor Leste in Timor island, and the total length of coastlines of 104,000 km, the second longest in the world after Canada. The country is predominantly mountainous with approximately 400 volcanoes, of which 100 are still active. It brings into a vulnerable situation in terms of the possible disaster, while at the same time it also gives the quality in its soils. It supports enormous type of plants and animals to live. Various rivers, water the country and serve as useful transportation arteries in certain islands. The Musi, Batanghari and Indragiri in Sumatera are among the biggest rivers which are used for daily uses as well as transportation; Similarly with the Barito, Kapuas, Rejang and Mahakam rivers in Kalimantan and

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