Subjective Norms Case Study

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3.4. Variables No Variable/ sub variable Concept Indicator Measurement Scale No. Item 1. Subjective Norms (SN) Individual’s subjective evaluation that the performance of the behavior in question is approved or disapproved by most people who are important to him/her (Ramayana, et al.2009) Subjective norms are socially expected models of conduct, social pressures to perform or not perform the action (Drnovsek and Erikson, 2005) SN1 In ordering stage of the product SN 2 In receiving the supply stage of the Halal product SN 3 In transport to storage stage of the product SN 4 In storage stage of the product SN 5 Display of Halal product SN 6 Produsen carrying the product using Halal trolley SN 7 Cash counter of Halal product should be separated from…show more content…
Statement Answer SD D NAND A SA Subjective Norms (SN) 1. Most of important people around me think that my work place (the industry) need/do not need use separate truck 2. My family think that my work place (the industry) should produce halal product 3. Most of people think my work place (the industry) should transfer the product after it get Halal certificate 4. Most of people think that my work place (the industry) should store the product in Halal package 5. Most of people think that my work place (the industry) should choose the product that separated displayed with non-Halal product 6. Most of people will request to use separate trolley for the product that my company produced 7. Most of people will request to use separate counter for l product that my company produced Attitudes (ATT) 8. The industry need/do not need separate truck 9. The industry should choose Halal product 10. The industry should choose to request transfer the product after it get Halal certificate 11. The industry should store the product in Halal package 12. The industry should choose the product that separated displayed with non-Halal

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