Impact Of Education On Sustainable Development

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………………………………………………………….. Working Title: Impact of education on sustainable development vis-à-vis rural community in the state of Bihar ………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….. Submitted for: M.Phil. in Development Practice ………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………….. Submitted by: Abhishek Anand Application no.: 149439 ………………………………………………………….. Abstract: Introduction: Education, or the transmission, acquisition, creation and adaptation of information, knowledge, skills and values, is a key lever of sustainable development. This is based on a vision of inclusive societies in which all citizens have equitable opportunities to access effective and relevant learning throughout life delivered through multiple formal, nonformal…show more content…
It is well-established that education is an important catalyst for achieving all development goals. It has been recognized that, within the MDG framework, there is “an interconnectedness of all development goals with key inter-linkages between education, health, poverty reduction, and gender equality, where improvement in one area has a positive effect on the others”. Indeed, in the same way that education has positive effects on health, poverty reduction and elimination of hunger, as well as on gender equality, each, in turn, has a positive effect on education. Higher levels of more relevant learning outcomes are thus both a condition for, as well as a result of, progress in other social sectors. Beyond its well-established socio-economic role, education also has a crucial socialization function through the shaping of personal and collective identities, the formation of responsible citizenship and the promotion of critical social participation, based on principles of respect for life, human dignity and cultural diversity. Promoting respect for diversity within a human rights-based approach can facilitate intercultural dialogue, help prevent conflict and protect the rights of marginalized groups, thus creating optimal conditions for achieving development

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