Otherness In Jacque Derrida

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My thesis emphases primarily on racial stereotypes, gender issues, classes …. In other words Otherness (its causes and consequences) the chosen novel discuss the previous themes of racial profiling, injustice, slavery and the evils residues of the system. Through the novel, we can infer several images of otherness in that period of time widening the scope of stereotypes hence the Other’s image. Historical background about the theory of the Other The Other infiltrates our existence to the point at which we question ourselves about our very own Otherness ,escaping the self is impossible and in that sense we can never know the other and perceive their universe from their point of view. Othering is due less to the…show more content…
In Jacques Derrida's vocabulary, we are all together Other (Derrida 1996). In that logic, we are all just creating Others. “Every other is every other Other, is altogether Other” (Derrida: 77). We are all other in sum; on the one hand every One is also an Other to somebody else and on the other hand every One is per definition also an Other “in oneself” (Derrida: 77), which Derrida clarifies through an otherness in the unconsciousness (Derrida 1996). In that case everybody is y definition the Other, and therefore will the making of the Other also be the making of the One. In other words, everybody have to define Others to define themselves those two terms can’t be separated if we ever wanted a definition. He used the deconstruction method to distinguish between the Other and the One or the Self . On these grounds, he was relating to the other and the literary attempt to narrate, recognize, and understand the other are mutually exclusive courses of action since in the process of describing and grasping otherness, one is also producing it, reshaping it to reflect one’s own…show more content…
According to him, the west intended to create this distinction to highlight and emphasis the superiority of the western identity over the non-western nations. In addition, to serve as an excuse for the colonialist tendencies and as he puts it a canon to xerces a constant dominance by in this case the United States over the Muslim and Arab world (the orient) in the post-war era. Said’s study allowed the western scholarship to inspect the Orient through new visions and methods different from those that are painted by the people in power in the West. Consequently, the “Us/Them “ binary opposition created by the west basically ratified Western scholars to depict the Orient as inferior, regressive, primitive and irrational, while emphasizing their superiority, advancement and

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