Opportunities In America

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Every year, a huge number of Americans decide to leave the corporate or small firm world they’ve been part of for so long to start their own business. Some jump into entrepreneurial waters straight from college, or even drop of school to start their start-ups and businesses. Whatever their background and educational level, more Americans are starting new ventures daily. Pofeldt (2013) writing for Forbes noted an all-time high in US entrepreneurship as “the percentage of adults involved in startups in 2012 hit 13%–a record high since Babson began tracking entrepreneurship rates in 1999,” quoting from the Babson College and Baruch College report. Even more, Americans are going into entrepreneurship because of the opportunities they want to pursue,…show more content…
It’s easy to postulate that the hit of the recession has made Americans realize that unconventional career route might be the best decision they would ever make or one that would provide the most job satisfaction. It’s also easy to attribute the rate to the number of immigrants in the entrepreneurial scene as a factor. After all, Forbes says “16% of first generation immigrants started or ran startups in 2012, higher than the 13% participation rate for Americans who aren’t immigrants.” Stangler & Wiens (2015) for the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation point out that “more than 40 percent of the Fortune 500 companies in 2010 were founded by an immigrant or the child of an immigrant” and “28.5 percent of new entrepreneurs in 2014 were immigrants, which is up from 13.3 percent in 1997.” Easy to provide reasons we think drive the entrepreneurial behavior by studying the aftereffect of such behaviors and taking into consideration diverse demographics and sociological factors. Entrepreneurs are being born of voluntary opportunities, rather than an uncontrollable need to become (Pofeldt, 2013). Besides, it’s taken for granted that one of the reason people become entrepreneurs is to take control of their career, destiny. So, it’s important that entrepreneurs feel in control of their actions and believe in their capabilities to be…show more content…
In 1975, he and Fishbein, both social psychologists, had conceptualized the theory of reasoned action to predict behavioral intention. They fleshed out the theory of reasoned action in 1980. The theory of reasoned action focuses on desire or intent to perform a specific action, specifically figuring out factors that influence how intent is created, and the correlation between the said intent and its resulting action. One cannot talk about the theory of planned behavior without talking about the theory of reasoned action. The theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior are used to explore variables assumed to be responsible for decision behavior (Southey, 2011, p. 44). The theory of reasoned action was developed from previous psychology studies of the theory of human attitudes. The theory was "born largely out of frustration with traditional attitude–behavior research, much of which found weak correlations between attitude measures and performance of volitional behaviors" (Hale, Householder & Greene, 2002, p.
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