Stress Physiology In Plants

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Stress Physiology The principal problem with plants is that they are static and so they are exposed to all sorts of environmental stresses. Animals can hide to cooler places or may search for water wherever it is available, but plants have to face all these problems in the natural habitat. Probably this is the reason for existence of totipotency in plants and the typical architecture of the plants is also related with coping up with stressfull situation. Stress is any kind of extrinsic or intrinsic factors that impairs the function of an organism. Among the extrinsic stresses water stresses and temperature stresses are more severe and limiting factors for the growth, survival and distribution of the plant. Studies of the reactions of plants under stress and the mechanisms of stress…show more content…
Though heat shock proteins (HSPs), the molecular chaperones that stabilize folding of other proteins are mainly induced during temperature stress, some of them are also induced during drought stress. Membrane-stabilizing proteins and late embryogenic abundant proteins are another class of proteins that confer drought tolerance in certain plants. TEMPERATURE STRESS – All organisms including plants require an optimum temperature range for proper growth. There is an upper and lower limit also at which organisms growth is minimum and in fact beyond these two terminal temperatures, there is no growth at all, rather plants like other organisms suffers injuries at these extreme temperatures. Most plants are adapted to grow in tropical to subtropical to temperate regions of the world and they are sensitive to very low and very high temperatures. There are three types of temperature regimes that are stressful for the plants. They include – freezing temperature (subzero temperature), chilling temperature (0 – 15 °C) and high temperature (40 – 55 °C)

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