Street Art Analysis Paper

1995 Words8 Pages
For the purpose of this assignment, I have selected a piece of "street art" produced by a painter on the streets of Manhattan to sell to tourists. One of my friends owns the painting. The painting is made of spray paint on a piece of poster-board (or a very similar medium), and is a representation of the New York City skyline. For scale, the painting is relatively small in size; approximately 2 and a half or 3 feet in width and 1 and a half to 2 feet in height. Description A basic description of this work of art is as follows. The work of art is a painting with a horizontal axis. The medium is spray paint on poster board. The artist utilized spray paint cans and multiple scraping devices (chisels and screw drivers, for example), to cut away at still-wet paint, leaving behind an illusion of depth and exposing the white background underneath the paint. The main colors used are black, blue, white, and orange/red. The painting was produced in 2011. The upper quarter of the painting (vertically, as if one were to draw four lines across the painting horizontally, equally spaced) show the moon, stars, and a comet portrayed on a dark blue-black background, a basic night sky. The middle two quarters of the painting show the New York City skyline in orange and white against the black backdrop…show more content…
This painting was made quickly for sale to tourists. The artist spent maybe 15 or 20 minutes, at most, preparing this particular work. While the artist may have prepared many of the same image during the course of his career, there is something spontaneous about this painting. The artist probably did not spend a large amount of time thinking about a specific message for his work. This might also contribute to my inability to glean a specific message from the painting. The artist's ideas might have been subconscious, drawing on his own particular

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