A Streetcar Named Desire Rhetorical Analysis

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Denny Jiahao Li Eng111 Wendy Lukomski A Street Car Named Desire The only comment that Tennessee Williams could make on the play A Streetcar Named Desire was that it encompassed everything that he had to say. This is because he wrote down this play after undergoing a surgery, which left him convinced that the play he would write after his recuperation would be his last composition. Consequently, Williams aspired to make known the deepest desires that he harbored, in addition to exploring his innermost thoughts with a view of establishing his guiding philosophy in life. It is worth mentioning, that he was a sickly boy in his childhood, placing him at the receiving end of cruel and harsh acts from many other people. Based on the evidence found…show more content…
Joseph Wood Krutch addresses this when he makes reference to a conversation between Blanche and Stella (Skiba 87). Blanche informs her sister of the fact that her husband might just be the right person that they need as they aspire to continue their lineage of aristocracy, even though he did not share their background. This means that the best response to decadence remains virility, regardless of the form that it assumes. This means that whenever aristocracy faces the threat of extinction, the best method of sustaining it will be to fashion a union between its proponents and the representatives of the greater human populace. In this regard, the sympathy of the audience remains split between Blanche and Stella (Williams 43). Krutch observes that the instincts that were guiding Blanche’s train of thought were right. This is because while she was a staunch supporter of refinement and civilization, old age had caught up with her, placing her in a dilemma. This meant that she was forced to find a tradition that she could live according to and a civilization, which she could maintain, her loyalty to at the same instance. She failed to find any of the two, leading to a conclusion that the society had lost its original shape. This is because in her past was a cultural organization that came across as civilized but was dead at the present. In spite of this, this dead culture was the…show more content…
This fragmentation points to the lack of completeness that characterizes the universe presently. In this regard, these sentiments can be used to guide deliberations that intend to establish whether Williams intended to pen down the tragedy of Blanche DuBois, or if his initial intention was based on offering proof of the fact that there existed reasonable inefficiency in the avenues that men used to pursue completeness in the present day society. Here, Nelson makes allusions to the philosophies of life as discussed by Tennessee Williams in the story Desire and the Black Masseur which he had written at an earlier stage. Here, he advanced the theory that man was inclined to cover his shortcomings by devising makeshift arrangements. Nelson is of the opinion that Blanche is faced with certain doom because she cannot achieve complete satisfaction (Bloom 128). It is difficult for her to find this comfort because Williams ensures that the play is devoid of the conditions that are required for her to be satisfied. This means that he does not consider the fact that all tragedies are dependent on the ability of individuals to take up responsibilities. This happens upon the realization of the responsibilities they have been tasked with and the inner growth that is thought to have evolved from this

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