Benjy Character Analysis

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For Benjy, it is clear, that Caddy is the stereotype of the positive side of a loving mother. Caddy motivated by her compassion for her younger brother, has eagerly given Benjy the kind of motherly attention previously denied to him because of his own mother's inability to love and caring for her little child. Caddy discovered ways of appealing to Ben's limited responses, to satisfy his instinctive and unreasoning hunger for peacefulness and serenity in his world. For instance, the red-yellow cushion, the smooth satin slipper are only a few objects used by Caddy to provide him with values which are positive to him because they are somehow sustaining him. Then, Caddy has also taught Benjy the pleasure of multiplying these positive values through…show more content…
In the traditional social code and in the religious code, which is also a significance element in Quentin's background, female purity is an important concept. But the intensity of Quentin's reaction to his sister's loss of virginity is by no means explicable by his faith in such codes, a reaction that has its roots in deep emotional problems. Quentin's emotional dependence on his sister is so great that he centers all his idealisms in her. Thus, only in his childhood relationship with Caddy can Quentin keep his world intact. However, reality intrudes in his dream and he attempts to deal with the intrusion. His desperate proposal to Caddy on the day that the family discovers she has given herself to a man constitutes a mad attempt to erase a terrible reality. Sex threatens the world that Quentin must preserve. For example, the scene in the creek shows that Quentin's only desire is to keep his isolated world intact by denying the reality of Caddy's act. His suggestion that they have committed incest is only one of the several insane proposals. He first insists that she admit that Dalton forced her that she does not love the man. Then he suggests that she gave herself to him, not to Dalton. Finally, he proposes a suicide pact. However, the lack of morality in his family, especially in Caddy, eventually destroys him because his unable to deal…show more content…
The only value important to him, other than social acceptability, is money. God does not exist in human relationships, and feelings have no significance unless they are translated into monetary terms. Even revenge is measured by money, like the amount he extorts from Caddy. To Jason, the actions of Caddy only mean something to him because of the effect they had on him; if Caddy's actions had not directly affected his life then Jason would not have bothered thinking about it. Jason only cares about himself and his own personal gain (Garcia, 8). Like his brothers, he is dominated by a sense of loss related to Caddy; however, whereas Benjy loses love and security, Quentin his emotional strength and his ideals, Jason loses nothing but a job in a bank. Herbert the man that Caddy married, promised Mrs. Compson to give Jason a position in a bank. When Caddy's marriage fails, Jason loses his financial opportunity. As did his brothers, Jason howls in protest at his loss. His protest takes form of revenge. In 1928, it is eighteen years since he was promised the job. Jason's sense of loss has diminished, however, he continually measures his present condition against what he might have been if his sister's marriage had not collapsed. In other words, everything would be different for Jason if Caddy had not loss her

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