Salem Witch Trials Research Paper

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Witchcraft was invented in early B.C.E when the Hebrew Scriptures saw witchcraft was a thing. By 500 C.E, Talmud had made up punishments and even executions for the act of witchcrafting. By 1486, an official guide on how to slay witches, called the “Malleus Maleficarum was published. After the Malleus Maleficarum was published, between the period of 1500-1560, which hunting and witch trials were starting to become extremely popular. For example, in 1542, an English law was passed that made it so witchcraft was officially against the law. After that point until the Salem witch trials in 1692, witchcraft trials were spreading and occurring like mad. Witchcraft trials were popular in Germany and England. Ten years before the Salem witch trials King Louis XIV in France stopped all witchcraft trials in France, showing that some rules saw it was out of control. (Johnson 1) The Malleus Maleficarum was a guide on how to slay witches or “hunt” them. It was made by two German Theology professors Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger other witch hunting guides were made at the time, but this one was the best known out of all of them.…show more content…
These special humans are called witches. Salem (Where the trials took place for witchcraft) In this location at that time in the 1600s, A war with France had occurred and a recent smallpox pandemic had taken hold. ( 2) Witchcraft was invented in early B.C.E when the Hebrew Scriptures saw witchcraft was a thing. People did not have much trust for each other and people outside the town. According to the mini- essay at the beginning of the play. The town of Salem was a boring place. Holidays like Christmas were not celebrated and there was no entertainment. This could’ve possibly led to “boredom,” and people purposely wanting something interesting to happen to make the day different than all the

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