Statement Of Criminology

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As a citizen of Pakistan, I have witnessed crime present in every facet of life and have observed how it affects the day-to-day existence of the average person. My interest in the field of Criminology evolved through years of living in Karachi which is one of the world’s largest and most crime-ridden city. I have noticed firsthand how an increasing rate of crime affects the fabric of the society. Karachi, which generates approximately seventy percent of the revenue of the entire country, is a hotbed for criminals. The rampant growth of crime has blighted its progress and prosperity. Over the years, my feelings of concern and apprehension have grown with the increase in atrocities, incidences of terrorism, sectarian killings, political violence…show more content…
Social sciences do not yield themselves to exact, clearly delineated explanations and causes. Gray areas and subtleties abound in them. In my introductory sociology classes, I learnt that the subject matter of sociology intersects with criminology. I also learned that humanity has been beset by criminal activity throughout human history and that crime in one form or another rears its ugly head even in the most developed and peaceful states. Eventually, my studies led me to Emile Durkheim’s work on society and crime and his theory that crime is a necessary part of society, an effective source of social change and a catalyst without which there can be no evolution in the laws of society. For a better understanding of criminology, I have studied the works of many theorists and thinkers who have made major contributions to the field and have played a key role in the evolution of sociological and criminological thought. These range from Cesare Beccaria’s work “On Crimes and Punishments” and Emile Durkheim’s “Crime as Normal Behavior” to modern-day works, such as George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson’s “Broken Window Theory.” These theories were basic and were important to understand the nature of crime. For instance: analyzing the Cesare Beccaria work I understood that it is not the people, but the law which is responsible for the growth of…show more content…
My reasons for choosing Michigan State University are its top-notch faculty and it's highly regarded state-of-the-art master’s program in criminology, ranked among the very best in the field. Advanced course offerings in such topics as “Counterterrorism and Intelligence” and “Analytical Thinking and Intelligence” are a major draw for me and will provide me with a definite edge over conventional courses. I am confident that the experience of studying at Michigan State University will allow me to maximize my personal and academic potential, leading to a successful career in the field of law enforcement. The knowledge, skills and experience I will gain through my time at your institution will enhance my ability to understand and analyze the serious, complex problems faced by my society and to contribute to their
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