Integrated Criminology Paper

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This paper will look at a few of the attempts to integrate theories within criminology. It will take a sample from each type of integration and see how it compares with other integrated theories and what their ideology towards integrating theories are. Integrated theories are a combination of concepts and key statements from two or more previously existing concepts and culminated into one integrated theory (Elliot, 2012). Integrated theories came about in the 1980's to help give criminological theories more depth whereas previous theories had been one dimensional. Despite the many forms, and they have generally fallen short explaining the reasons behind criminal behavior. Integrating theories offers an opportunity to clarify more variables…show more content…
The integrated theory by Colvin, et. al. was a conceptual theory, and works by linking concepts from different theories under one overarching theory-based model. The strain-control paradigm by Elliot et. al is a propositional theory which works end to end, side by side or up and down. Finally, Agnew's general integrated theory is a cross (multi) level theory that works by linking macro / structural and interactional theories (Heidt & Wheeldon, 2015). Conceptual integration involves an absorption strategy, arguing that concepts from one theory have the same meaning as concepts from another theory, and can be combined into a common language and set of concepts. Propositional integration involves combining or linking propositions from one or more theories into a single, unified and consistent set of propositions (Heidt & Wheeldon, 2015). Conceptual Integration…show more content…
Elliott et al. take different components from each theory that relate to each other to devise different aspects of their integrated theory (Heidt & Wheeldon, 2015). First, Elliott et al. take the idea from Hirschi's(1969) social bond theory about the likelihood that delinquency occurs when there is a lack of moral guidance at an early age (Heidt & Wheeldon, 2015). However, instead Elliott et al. take only integration and attachment from that theory and assign integration as the outer component that is formed by relationships and bonding, and attachment as the inner component formed by internalization (Heidt & Wheeldon,

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