St. Lucy's Home For Girls Summary

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St. Lucy's home for girls raised by wolves tells us a story about girls being converted by nuns to give up their old wolf like ways and to accept the new human culture. Through the story a question arises are these girls actually "naturalized citizens of human society” (Russell, p. 238) especially Claudette. The answer to this question is that Claudette is in fact has accepted the human culture and is a natural citizen of humanity. Within the first stage there is very little evidence to support and even less to disapprove whether or not Claudette has become human but I noticed this "they lived an outsider's existence in caves at the edge of the frost, threatened by frost and pitchforks. They had been ostracized by the local farmers for eating their silled fruit pies and terrorizing the heifers." (238)In this passage she uses the…show more content…
Sister Josephine left the wooden gates wide open. They unslatted the windows at night." (240) This shows that the girls including Claudette are showing self control which is human quality. The next quote is "the pack was worried about Mirabella." (240) This is yet another human quality wolves will not worry about the other pack members if they can't keep up then the pack will keep going without them. Later on in the stage Claudette describes how the nuns have taught them to think that walking on two four legs is awkward and ridiculous and how walking on two legs seems natural (241) and this is not a quality of wolfs. "We hated Mirabella more. we began to avoid her," (242) this proves that Claudette is human because only humans will avoid other of its kind. The final point from stage proving Claudette's Humanity "I felt a throb of compassion. How can people live like they do?" (244) compassion is an expression only shown by humans so until wolves can talk we can assume that wolves do not have
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