Sri Lankan Architecture

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Sri Lanka pocesses a unique recognition in the world for its archetectural feats. WIth more than six UNESCO recognized constructions in Sri lanka, our traditional architecture is filled with wonders, and many of the constructions are still under-utilized in the current sectors. Before we dive into the crux of this essay, let's forcus on the history,scientific marvels and archievements in the three eras of sri lankan architecture, namely ancient, colomial, and post-indepencc. Ancient sri lankan architecture. The ancient srilankan architecture has been shaped by a variety of influence, mainly due to foreign invasions and the spread of buddism in sri lanka. Indian and east asian influences can be commonly observed with many of our present…show more content…
THere are many forms and shapes of stupas, each developed during different eras of the ancient ages. Each of them enshrined a relics of buddha, and were religeous places and monasteries. After buddhism was introduced by mahinda in srilanka's sacred's capitol of anuradhapura, THe king, Devanampiya-tissa build the first stupa in sri lanka. This stupa, named,Thuparamaya, is considered a special type of "Mahavihara' is the oldest in sri lnaka according to religeous texts and carbon dating. The construction of stupa is quite an arduos task and demands great skill and knowledge. The specifications are mostly consistent with most of the stupas. An intresting point to note is that their centre lines point to the relic chambers. After construccting with bricks, they are covered with lime plaster. But the plaster combinations varied according to the design and commonly included egg,saliva of white ants,drying oils, coconut water, plant resin,glue. For an example, Kiri Vehar used small pebbles.these procedures and inventions have been detailed in the mahawamsa. It is quite intersting how these engineers used a variety of substances for plastering sturctures. The chemical properties are most these material combinations are still un expplored and uinder utilized in the modern days. Each of them is cheap and contains no harmful substances, and it would be worth it if sri lanka organized reseaches on…show more content…
In the case of Mintale cave temple, it has been foudn that there vhave been a design of a special drip ledge carved along the top edge of the ceiling that prevented water from seeping or running into the cave. later onwards, doors,windows, brick walls, wer added to these structres and they were plastered white and decorated with paintings that are evident in the cave templs of dambulla. such technolgioes are often not seen in sri lanka modern building and they are useful instead of the commonly used PVC pipes which require constant cleaning and special

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