Personal Narrative Statement: I Am God's Project

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I am God’s project. I was born prepacked. As Psalm 139:16 says “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be”. Even before coming into this world, God has already looked at my entire life, determined what my life’s assignment is going to be, and gave me the tools to be able to accomplish the job which I am supposed to do. I was packed on purpose for a purpose. My humble beginning dates back to 1979 when I was born to my parents who work as private school employees in Quezon City. I had two (2) other sisters and I was the middle child. According to some, being born second in a three-kid family normally gives you the middle-child syndrome. But such was not the case for me. I was my parents’…show more content…
One of the reasons for that is because among the ‘tres marias’, I was the one who always gets sick most often. My parents were a little strict and raised us up in a firm yet gentle environment. Regardless of being disciplinarians, they were supportive of us in every possible way. They enrolled us in the school where they worked making sure that we were always under their watchful eyes until we graduated from high school. During college, I took up AB Communication Arts at the University of Santo Tomas and finished it in the year 2000. Armed with only a diploma and firm determination, I set out to find work right after graduation in order to somehow repay all the sacrifices my parents did for me. Fortunately, I got accepted to work on a contractual basis at one of the major television networks in the country. But somehow, my mother was not impressed about it. She would always say that I should look for a more stable job that would give me a more secured future. I even remember her telling me that early on to try it out in the military. She got the idea from two of her brothers who were serving in the Philippine Army. Naturally, I met her suggestion with a big objection. What would a shy and

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