Comcast Cable Case Summary

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A firm as large as Comcast Cable does not sustain market leading success for as long as they have without having some distinctive strengths and competitive advantages. Comcast is a unique case however, in that they operate in a more concentrated industry where constant innovation is not essential to sustained success. Therefore strengths identified here may not be universally applicable and may even represent opportunities for growth in the firm’s strategy. We would be remiss if we identified strengths of the firm and not discuss Comcast’s culture. As the CEO of Comcast Cable since 2010, Neil Smit has introduced a unique culture that certainly has its share of strengths and weaknesses. As a former Lieutenant Commander, and active member…show more content…
Each employee knows what goals they are responsible for in a given day and strive to accomplish them in the most efficient manner possible. The culture is also highly entrepreneurial by nature, affording employees autonomy in their process and goal attainment. In doing so, Smit has fostered a culture where employees are motivated to complete tasks, and even spur innovation, even if only individually. Under Smit’s leadership, the team has successfully launched over forty new products in less than two years – in large part thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of its…show more content…
In her article “Critical Success Factors for Creating Superb Self-Managing Teams” Ruth Wagemen reminds us that there are seven key factors that ensure effectiveness: having a clear, engaging direction; a clear team task; team-based rewards; adequate resources; autonomy; team-based goals; and team norms that promote strategic thinking. After interviewing and surveying employees of the firm, we have identified one of the seven as a focus of management: adequate resources. While a manager was quoted saying he would prefer to provide more computing power, the tools provided are of the most up-to-date software systems and computer modules. More computer power would certainly improve efficiency but the tools provided are comfortably

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