Hamlet And Claudius Research Paper

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The characteristics shared by Hamlet and Claudius are mostly familial. Claudius, the brother of Old Hamlet, is Hamlet’s uncle. The two are both members of the royal family, giving them both a high status in society. Hamlet and Claudius both share similar cunning minds. They are both quick witted and able to communicate their meanings well. Although Hamlet and Claudius are related, then have many differences. Hamlet is religious, a procrastinator, and philosophical. Claudius is quite the opposite. As Hamlet says, the two are “A little more than kin, and less than kind.” (I, ii, 65). Religion plays a large part in the morals to Hamlet and Claudius. The two are very different is their opinion on what is right and wrong. Hamlet is proven to be…show more content…
Claudius cares only about bettering his own position, were as Hamlet does not. Although Hamlet has an extremely low opinion on the human race, he has more of a humanistic approach to life. Very early on, Hamlet is shown to be very philosophical and contemplative. He often discussed questions that don’t have a particular answer, or that have many points of view. In the quotation “For who would bear the whips and scorns of time…When he himself might his quietus make/ With a bare bodkin?” (III, I, (71-77), Hamlet wonders why anyone would choose to suffer through the many struggles of life when they could simply end it all with a blade. This question is still relevant today, as suicide is still a global issue that we face. Hamlet also addresses what happened after you die. In the gravedigger scene, Hamlet talks about how after w die, we become nothing but a pile of bones buried in the ground. All of your titles, riches, and status die with you. They mean nothing among the dead in a graveyard. In the quotation “Oh, that that earth which kept the world in awe,/ Should patch a wall to expel the winter’s flaw!” (V, I, (211-210), Hamlet says that is it strange to think that a man who once ruled to world could not be plugging a whole is the wall. He concludes that death is the great equalizer. By saying this, one can conclude that Hamlet would not value power or wealth, as it disappears once you die. He would rather live a full, righteous life than have power and

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