Spanking Children

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Parents should not spank their kids Spanking kids doesn’t make a child to be less naughty but somehow creates tension and resentment between the child and the parent. Spanking will not make a child listen to the rules but will only install fear in a child. It breaks the connection between them and their parents, as the child now is scared and threatened by their parents, they don’t feel the love anymore. It will only make the child more aggressive and violent. Children who are spanked are more likely to hit other children. The child learns by mimicking and observing adults, so spanking will make them think it is okay to hit others. It creates hatred inside of them which may lead them to become ruthless criminal later on. Spanking distracts a child from learning at school because of always being afraid. They will not be able to be free and do normal things that other children are doing because they will always be afraid of doing something bad and be punished. The child’s performance will decline greatly. This will only make the child to feel hopeless and…show more content…
Parents have to use positive ways of punishing or disciplining their children and will not achieve anything by spanking kids. Any spanking can be dangerous, even sensible one, it can harm the child. The nerve damage from spanking can paralyse or harm the child greatly, some even died from spanking. Spanking can make children lose self-esteem which may result in them hitting other kids younger than them for pleasure. When older he will show little or no sympathy for those who are low on standard but have anxiety and panic to those who have more power. They might grow to know that hitting can get you what you want or to get people to do things you own way. Spankings give all the wrong information to kids that the only way allowed to solve issues by hitting because they were not taught from an early age to solve problems in a gentle calm
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