Article Summary Of Spanking Children: Evidence And Issues

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The article titled “Spanking Children: Evidence and Issues” tackles the debate of whether or not a child should be spanked. In the article spanking is defined as hitting with an open hand on the buttocks to discipline a child. Spanking is not to be confused with physical abuse which is the use of objects as a weapon or tool to produce physical harm. The article explains the pros and cons of spanking by separating it into three views, pro-corporal punishment, anti-corporal punishment, and conditional corporal punishment. Pro-corporal punishment accepts spanking. Anti- corporal punishment advocates that the act of hitting a child will only teach him that violence is acceptable allowing him or her to continue cycle on to another generation, and eventually causes physical or psychological harm towards the child. Conditional corporal punishment view notes the effects of spanking weather it is good or bad for the child’s development has to do with how it is carried out.…show more content…
Research suggests that the results of hitting a child are not worth the consequences that come with it. For example, hitting a child frequently causes the parent child relationship to become less important. The study suggests that parents show less affection due to spanking. In my opinion not showing affection along with spanking has the most significant negative effect on the development of a child because its will scar the child emotionally and lead him to anti-social behavior. The anti-social behavior created by spanking then becomes a cycle of the parent trying to punish the child and the child feeling anger and loneliness because and towards the

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