Pros And Cons Of Lobbying

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Introduction In the United States of America, lobbying is a secluded activity under the country’s constitution. The rights to free speech, congregation, and appeal to government are guaranteed by this activity. It can be said that lobbying serves as a synchronized industry. By employing various methods, lobbying try to influence government decisions. These methods include verbal and written communications with the representatives of government. Lobbyists are people that involve in the act of lobbying. The government regulates them at both the federal and state levels. For this reason, it is required of the lobbyists to register themselves. In the contemporary times, lobbyists act as the representatives of all the possible interests. It is…show more content…
It is mostly observed that policymakers are paid to vote in a flattering manner. They are also rewarded after a vote is casted considering its value. The allowance of the continuation of such unfairness makes it easy for the affluent people and organizations to win at the end of the day. However, it is also important to mention here that there are other subtle methods that are used to get unjustified influence. Sometimes, congressional travels and extravagant meals are used as gifts. Officials that work locally face similar enticements including games and concert tickets, expensive dinners, etc. Opponents of lobbying also raise the question on lobbyists’ easy accessibility to lawmakers as compared to others. Collegiality and friendships are also two great concerns as far as lobbying is concerned. Transparency is also an important issue when lobbying is considered. It is believed that lawmakers and lobbyists use their social connections and associations to influence decisions. Therefore, the need for a transparent process is required. Third, powerful interests are mostly represented by the lobbyist whereas there is no representative of people in the lobby. For this reason, the critics of lobbying demand the presence of someone who may represent the common good (Nadler &…show more content…
It would not be incorrect to state that lobbyists are skilled technicians who possess the proficiency to examine complex issues in a lucid, comprehensible manner. They are directly involved with Congress members and have the authority of explaining the grounds they advocate. The importance of lobbyists was also mentioned by Senator John F. Kennedy in these words: “the lobbyists who speak for the various economic, commercial and other functional interests of the country serve a useful purpose and have assumed an important role in the legislative process" (as qtd. in Blackwell viii). Generally, lobbyists possess adequate knowledge regarding the legislative process. They are also knowledgeable about people who make decisions corresponding to the Members of Congress and other staff members. Lobbyists facilitate to prepare and present information. They are also responsible for the testimonial arrangements for the congressional trials. In addition, they also assemble and are present at head to head meetings with important government and/or agency officials. Thus, the importance of lobbyists in politics cannot be understated as they have a positive impact on decision-making and strive for common good (Lelieveldt & Sebastian

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