Gentrification In The 20th Century

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The gentrification phenomenon, being a controversial topic in urban planning discourse, have debated regarding it’s explanation, importance, it’s formation, processes and effects in both economic and social aspects, throughout its emerge in second half of 20th century. It occurred as a remarkable theme which is discussed in terms of benefits and risks in the academic field. Thus it is interpreted with a variety of different explanations. Each portrayed the subject with a different point of view and related the theme with a different factor. As a result, a wider approach to the framework of gentrification research is enabled. In his book New Urban Frontier, Neil Robert Smith describes gentrification as; ‘the process by which poor and working-class…show more content…
This community saved side sees gentrification as a tool to regenerate the area. On the other hand, the community lost perspective argues that the role of the neighborhood is becoming more limited due to technological advances in transportation and communication. These advancedments lead to a corrupt culture. 5.) Social movements: This theoretical approach based on the ideological movements. According to this approach the middle class people who support gentrification encouraged by leader such as land developers, urban pioneers and political economic elites. And those who live in deteriorated areas stand against this. Affects and Consequences of Gentrification Gentrification as a concept tame the obsolete, deteriorated urban area and establish a more healthy and aesthetically pleasing environment; but not all the time the results obtained from this process are…show more content…
In the recent year gentrification usually commentated closely linked to ‘displacement’. As so, while clarifying the different aspects of gentrification Freeman and Braconi refers to three types of displacement. “Direct displacement” occurs when a demographic or ethnic group succeeds another due specifically to a process of gentrification. “Secondary displacement”, concerning today, low- income households had relocate due to new development or gentrification in their neighborhood as they can no longer afford to remain in the neighborhood due to higher rents. This type of displacement also referred as “involuntary displacement” as low-income resident preferably want to stay but cannot maintain the high prices. “Exclusionary displacement” is the final stage where the gentrification in the neighborhood prevents future low-income households relocating the area. No one is more vulnerable to the effects of gentrification than renters. With the high demands, the prices go up, pushing tenants out. There occurs an economic shift form rental units to ownership. People who own their homes are much more able to gain financial benefits of gentrification than those who rent their houses and can be displaced without much compensation. Besides the land use purposes change with the increase demand for the area and increasing rents. Decline in

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