Socrates Apology Analysis

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Zachary DesJarlais Essay Assignment #1 Introductory Ethics In Apology, Socrates appears in court for what would seem to be an unjust trail. During the processions, he states that any law denying him the right to pursue his life mission of practicing philosophy would be ignored. Later, in Crito, Socrates finds himself imprisoned and awaiting death. Crito, a close friend, finds the philosopher, and begs him to escape certain death. It is implied that the two would be able to escape easily, and seemingly without consequence (other than an obvious need to leave the city). Socrates weighs the arguments for going and staying, then comes to the conclusion that it would be unjust for him to flee because of his obligation to uphold the courts decision…show more content…
In the context of whom he is speaking with, and the argumentative nature of both court and Socrates, it is possible that he is saying this simply to get a rise out of the jury. Through his arguments made, he demonstrates his lack of respect for those that formally filed the accusations. This statement could be read as a desire to go to jail, rather than compromise when Socrates feels that he is clearly correct in his defense. By supposing that the statement is inflammatory, rather than literal defiance, it can be said that Socrates does not believe civil disobedience is a reasonable (or just) course of action when one has accepted all of the other benefits society has offered…show more content…
Yet we only propose things, we do not issue savage commands to do whatever we order...” (51, e – 52, a). This passage highlights Socrates belief that the only form of civil disobedience that is permissible must be a part of changing the laws one has issue with. To flee with Crito would be to undermine the entire structure and purpose of society, as he feels one should not be able to pick and choose which aspects of the law to abide by. Socrates frequently discusses his belief that one should not commit unjust acts. Crito argues that leaving behind his children would be unjust, and that the city is wronging him. Socrates believes that if his friends would take care of his children if he were to flee the city, they would surely take care of them after his death. The second response has him returning to his previously stated principles. Because Socrates has willingly lived in Athens, he agrees to the laws that they abide by. This aligns with the contract principle he holds. In addition to this, he believes that a court decision should be the final say on a matter. This is the enforcement principle. The anti-retaliation principle insists that

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