Similarities Between Socrates And The Apology

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Socrates a Man of Honor Socrates is depicted in two ways. Both are completely different so there's no exact way we can tell what type of person he was. Clouds by Aristophanes was written in a comical way to make the audience laugh, in which Socrates in the Clouds play is depicted as a sophist, a non-believer of the gods while The Apology was written on a more serious note, it was Socrates defending himself in trial for false accusations made about him that took place in The Clouds. Though both works take place 24 years apart, they share a mutual connection and depict Socrates in different ways. In Socrates different depictions we see there are many differences such as him being vile, and also gentle and understanding in The Apology but there…show more content…
Clouds by Aristophanes depicts Socrates as a strict man who is very sophisticated and arrogant. He is in charge of the Thinkery, a place for moral excellence. The Thinkery is a place in which Socrates is being depicted as one who argues. He wants to make his students excellent in the art of arguing that no matter what the argument is, they will always prevail. Everyone who works in the Thinkery has a different view on how the world works and Socrates is depicted as believing the Gods do not exist. Socrates was given a new student, Strepsiades, who is closed minded and only thinks of materials things. Socrates has no patience for him when Strepsiades takes the Thinkery as a joke. The Thinkery is very important to Socrates and when Strepsiades shows a lack of respect, Socrates is harsh on him. “(Clouds 627-632) By Respiration, by Emptiness, by Air, I’ve never seen a man so rustic anywhere, such a clueless, brain-dead case of Alzheimer’s! I give

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