Plato's Apology Of Socrates Analysis

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Genesis Almonte Greek Civilization Professor George December 11, 2014 Plato’s Apology of Socrates Plato’s Apology is the recollection of Socrates' trial presented before the Athenian Council, in which he is charged with not accepting the gods recognized by the state, introducing ethics in human behavior, and corrupting the youth of Athens. Athens is a democracy, a city in which there is many people who govern politics; therefore it is expected to be as corrupted as the population is. Socrates brings forward the argument that most people go against an individual if they are tested in argument with questions. Socrates suggests that his knowledge of the world may not be much but those who think that they are wiser than him does not seem to…show more content…
Although many people praised him for the knowledge he possessed. Unlike the sophists who charged their students a fee in order to spread their teachings, Socrates never charged any citizen a fee in order to gain some wisdom as well as deny someone of knowledge. The young people of Athens enjoy listening to his teachings and that is the reason they choose to keep going back to him. He argues that if he were really corrupting the young, they would have noticed immediately and stopped visiting him for his daily…show more content…
He explains that their constitution “Does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favors the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy” (Thucydides, 2.37). By saying this, Pericles is declaring that Athens is a noble city in which inspires others to conduct their laws in an equal manner. He views Athens as the major role in beginning a true meaning of Democracy because of how honorable the city is as a unit. These ideals are said to bring an immense amount of pride to the public because they created the foundation of Athens democracy. Pride is instilled into the Athenians because they have something that the enemy, Sparta, doesn’t, equal access to law instead of slavery and

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