Marital Rape Case Study

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Background Information on Marital Rape in Singapore Under Singapore law, women are now protected from rape by their own husbands (otherwise known as marital rape). However, the very limited scope of the marital rape exemption should be acknowledged and hence addressed in the paper. Previously, there was a blanket ban against women crying rape by their husbands. This is known as the marital rape exception or marital rape exemption. The law has been changed such that a man who forces his wife to have sex with him can be charged for rape under Penal Code s 375(4) in certain circumstances stated below: • Husband and wife are living apart – • Under an interim judgment of divorce or nullity • Under a judgment or decree of judicial separation • Under…show more content…
The number of applications for PPO – which grossly underestimates the prevalence of marital violence or rape – has since hovered around 2,900 yearly (Family Justice Courts, n.d.). These figures suggest that the problem of marital rape in Singapore is something that we should be concerned about. When the law denies that marital rape is a problem, they deprive survivors of such violence of a safe space to speak up. Hence this fossilize the impetus for the paper to raise awareness for the issue of marital rape and to push for the complete abolition of the marital rape exemption in Singapore. To accomplish the above would require an investigation into the societal context in which this law of partial exemption is situated in. This paper hence aims to contextualize marital rape within the Singapore society to enable us to better understand the historical, cultural and socio-political climate surrounding the law. It also serves to look at why a complete abolition of the marital rape exemption proves to be challenging in the Singapore…show more content…
slapping, punching which sheds light on the extent in which society views and accepts marital violence. However, they have conveniently excluded the issue of marital rape in their empirical study and hence fall short in explaining the attitudes and reasons why marital rape exemption is still present in the Singapore society. Associate Professor Ganapathy’s literatures on “police response to domestic violence” provided insights on the structural conditions of policing that these individuals (police) interact with on a daily basis. The social context of existing unequal gendered power relations in contemporary Singapore society is perhaps one of the reasons why marital rape is not yet fully criminalized in Singapore and this will be further discussed and elaborated in the paper below. There is almost no literature considering marital rape in Singapore from the sociological perspective and hence my paper will seek to value add to the field with regards to this issue. The Historical Legal Context of

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