Socio-Cultural Culture Case Study

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The Socio-Cultural factors are very critical, as a cultural mistake may cause the community to feel offended and can possibly lead to strikes and other violent activities. An example would be the 2012 China anti-Japanese demonstrations which the Chinese’ unhappiness with Japan has led to a peaceful protest, escalating to boycotting and destruction of several Japanese products. Language The citizens of China mainly uses Mandarin as their official language to communicate. Proper communication is crucial when doing business thus investors must either have the basic command of Mandarin or have a translator before they can start investing in China as this will prevent language barriers amongst them. High Context Culture (HC) The Chinese has a high context culture, which means that they value social trust and interpersonal relations and goodwill. To start a business transaction, it is very important that trust is developed between both parties. Power Distance At a high score of 80, inequalities amongst the people are…show more content…
With the statistics from Statista, China is rated 5.8 for good quality of roads as compared to 7. Ever since 2008, China has been constantly investing in transport and has connected more than 1 billion people all around China. Thus, businesses would not face transportation problems. With reference to KPMG’s issues and insights on China’s infrastructure, it is reported that China will be launching their 12th Five-Year Plan to increase development on infrastructures. They aim to cut down on pollution and have a sustainable energy source so as to efficiently use the country’s resources. Prior to that, they have already been improving on other structures such as housing and healthcare. They are now looking to work on generating a more sustainable growth for the

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