Social Norms In Pride And Prejudice

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"I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives" (Austen ). Women are often idealized and categorized into unrealistic stereotypes. They are viewed as gentle and poise creatures who's responsibilities include marrying, raising a family, and taking care of the home. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen perfectly exemplifies society's views on women and their roles, primarily, marriage. During the era which the novel is set, marriage is mainly viewed as a woman's occupation. However, it is also a fundamental guide in increasing ones' reputation. Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice emphasizes the social norms of the 18th century conveying the typical female's urgency to enter the institution of marriage, while also offering an insight to the exception of marriage for love through her characters.…show more content…
During this era, every girl is expected to be married. "In Austen's world women have few opportunities to support themselves in society aside from... marrying into wealth and prestige" (Chin-Yi). Austen narrates the process of finding the most eligible bachelors for the Bennet sisters so they too can be considered to be apart of society's "norm." Views on marriage during this period were seemingly different than views on marriage today. “Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance" (Austen 27). Marriage was viewed neither for love nor for happiness but solely for reputation. In Pride and Prejudice members of the upper class try to maintain their reputations of wealth, culture, and powerful citizens of the realm. Members of middle class, like Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collins, try to improve their reputations by marrying into money and status ("Reputation
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