Stereotypes In Pride And Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice, a movie based on the book by Jane Austen. The story narrates the love - hate affair between the middle class women Elizabeth Bennet, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, an extremely wealthy man. The story is based on the concepts of the 19th century however, the author chooses to criticize society's ideologies during that time. She shows that through society's constant seek of wealth through marriage, the strict social class division and the way in which different genders are judged or misjudged through how they are expected to act. Advantageous marriage, can be seen multiple times throughout the story where different characters take advantage of marriage in order to change their current social status or to simply secure them. A perfect…show more content…
They are also shown as reckless, who usually speak without thinking first, but at the same time are not afraid to firmly show their opinions, which can be seen when Elizabeth rejects getting married to her cousin Mr. Collins, because she does not love him. Even though they do not have much money to spent, they are capable to afford help, for instance when Mr. Collins visits the Bennet family, he is amazed by the fact they are able to have service at their disposal. Mrs. Bennett in response to this says “We are perfectly able to keep a cook.” , which might be an example of how middle class people get easily offended when others question their economic…show more content…
Where during that time it was common for women to get married at a quite young age, such as 16. However, families would prefer that the eldest would marry firstly and then be followed by the younger ones, which is something that would not always happen. The story by Jane Austen takes in depth what were some of the expectations of how the ideal women should be or act before being chosen by the gentleman for marriage. One of this expectations is how women have to have multiple skills such as the knowledge for music, be able to sing, draw, dance, and have the knowledge of modern languages, while presenting a great level of beauty as well as sensuousness. Therefore, for women life is shown to be mostly consisted into finding a wealthy man to marry and looking their best in order to fulfill what, in that time, was considered the ideal woman image, according to the movie men would see finding a women to marry as a way to fulfill their desires and to make them happy. However, for a very wealthy man such as Mr. Darcy, the ideal woman would not only fit perfectly to his desires but to his social class, she would have to present more than simply
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