Social Group Definition

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Q.1) what do you understand by social groups? (Define, describe and discuss) Ans.- “A group is a set of people engaged in frequent interaction; they identify with one another; they are defined by others as a group’ they share values, beliefs and norms about areas of common interest; they define themselves as a group; they come together to work on common tasks and for agreed purposes” Any physical collection of people regardless of the size who share a common interest and works together in an organized patterns with a close relationships and interaction among them. A group is a collection of individuals but all collectivities cannot constitute a social group. A group is distinct from an aggregate member of which…show more content…
Boljang village. In there, families became the grassroots groups in the community. In the families each and every of us knew and interact with each other’s every day. And we follow the same and single religion in my village i.e. Christianity. Every villagers used to gather and worshipped in the church 6, 7 times in a week. And I had many friends of my age in my villages. We used to interact with each other’s most of our times. And there is a private school of up to 10th standard where I get schooling up to my 10th standard. I loved ma classmates and social relations and social interaction is very good amongst my classmate’s. And all the above groups of families, religion, peer groups and classmates which exist in my community where I brought up came under “Natural” groups according to the formation/ classification of groups made by Toseland &…show more content…
They are the decisions makers in the village. They even had the rights to beat up any person who is against the village rules. Under the village authority there came village youth club. Their roles are a bit similar in it. Village Youth Club is for the betterment of youths in the village. They used to organized and participate in different activities which were held in and around the village. And there is also a team for each and every games like football, volleyball etc. Women’s society is also there in my community for the women’s. They helped each others who needs help in the community. And there is also a village defense groups who used to look after and guard the village at night from drunkards, thieves and robbery etc. And all the above mentioned groups of village authority, youth club, football team, volleyball team, women’s society, village defense which exist in my community where I brought up came under “Formed” groups according to the formation/ classification of groups made by Toseland &
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