Slaughter House-Five: Chapter Analysis

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1. What happened In this chapter at the literal level of analysis? Slaughter House-Five starts with the narrator telling his audience about how he attempts to write a book on his experience of the war of Dresden in Eastern Germany during World War II. He says, "All this happened, more or less" (pg 1) by which he wants his readers to know that by and large the part of the war is true although he changed some of the names of the characters. He needs help from his war buddy Bernard V. O'Hare, to recollect memories to write the book. His friend doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic but then he asks him to come over to discuss. He then goes to Bernard V O'Hare's house and later both of them revisit Dresden. The narrator also writes about how he was discouraged to write the book by many people. The narrator further discusses how when he and his buddy' were discussing war stories O'Hare's wife was irritated and accused that his book will glorify war and therefore there will be more war. However, the narrator assures her that he will not do that and he will rather title it "The Children's Crusade". When the narrator was waiting at…show more content…
He compares himself with Lot's wife in the Bible who defies God's command and turns back to see the destruction of the people and their homes, and turns into a pillar of salt. Similarly, the narrator decides to write a book on his experience in the war in Dresden although he feels that he shouldn't be doing it. He is unable to deny his human instinct which compels him to look back to the past. He knows that it doesn't do him any good and rather it makes him feel motionless. This is where the irony lies. He is certain that the book is going to be a failure and thus he compares himself with nothing but a pillar of salt. It seems like a mockery because on one hand he writes the book on the other he is implying that he shouldn't look

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