Similarities Between Civil Rights And Civil Liberties

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Civil Rights and Civil liberties are often two terms many American citizens confuse. Both terms have been used interchangeably over time. I have heard many times, “well, it’s my right!” when in reality, it’s not a right but rather a liberty. Civil Rights refer to something where a person possesses the right to obtain from unfair treatment based on subspecies, sex, religion, past affiliations or any other features that distinguishes them from another group. In all, this prevents a person from discrimination against these characteristics. Some common examples of civil rights that protect people from discrimination are: right to equality in public places (i.e. Eating places, bathrooms), equal protection of the laws, right to petition, due process…show more content…
is entitled to some benefits that apply to their position they hold. That company cannot decline to grant you those benefits because of your gender or anything else that physically sets you apart. On the other hand, Civil liberties refer to guaranteed freedom or rights we have as citizens. These liberties are meant to protect us from the federal government. With civil liberties, it is your choice whether you “take part” in using your rights to your advantage; for example voting. Some other common examples of civil liberties are: freedom of speech and press, right to vote, the right to privacy, right to a fair trial, right to travel freely, right to be free from cruel and usual punishment, and voter i.d. requirement laws. Although I also saw freedom of speech and press listed under both civil rights and liberties. An example of civil liberties used in society is protection against unlawful seize and searches. If you are stopped during a routine traffic stop and the officer asks you to step out and he is going to search the car with no warrant or probable cause that is “in plain sight”, you have the right to refuse the unlawful search of your…show more content…
In contrast, civil rights are enumerated powers specially written in the Constitution. In addition, civil rights are something which protects people by law, civil liberties are granted to a person, but that person can essentially have them revoked or just chose not to partake. B. “The struggles over civil rights and liberties will continue. You can see that what the Constitution seems to say helps very little in understanding what the government can and cannot do and what you can and cannot do. Each generation will have to fight to claim the protection of Constitutional rights and liberties for themselves in the face of new challenges and new fears” (Botsch). This quote holds true meaning to what is happening within our society. I sense the author of our text is essentially saying there will always be conflicts between civil rights and civil liberties. The government interpretation for many of our natural rights and liberties is interpreted based on the state of affairs. Thus, we must always look for new solutions, not merely to protect its citizens, but likewise to keep America strong without taking away the freedom
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