Similarities Between Australia And South Korea

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DESCRIBE SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AUSTRALIA AND ONE OTHER ECONOMY IN ASIA The Australian economy can be compared to the economy of South Korea. They share many similarities yet at the same time, are different in many ways. These similarities and differences can be explored with reference to economic growth and the quality of life in both countries as well as the distribution of income, environmental sustainability, and the role of the government in health care, education and social welfare. ECONOMIC GROWTH As of 2014, Australia’s GDP was US$1,560 trillion while South Korea’s GDP was US$1,305 trillion. Both South Korea and Australia have a similar shaped graph, both experiences a drop in GDP in 2010. The drop would have been…show more content…
Australia has a poor record of preserving biodiversity. Both South Korea and Australia are heavily reliant on non-renewable energy sources contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions. Only 1.58% of energy sources in South Korea are renewable and only 5.2% in Australia. Australia also has inefficient water use however 93% of Australians are pleased with the quality of water in comparison to 78% of South Koreans. South Korea also has high levels of air pollution, which causes health problems including eye irritation, asthma, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. PM10 is a particle that is small enough to be inhaled. It has negative effects on human health and reduces life expectancy. Average PM10 levels are 20.1 micrograms per cubic meter. South Korea has PM10 levels of 30.3 micrograms per cubic meter, which is more than double the 13.1 micrograms per cubic meter in Australia. In 2010, CO2 emissions in Australia were 16.9 metric tons per capita which was higher than the CO2 emissions of 11.5 metric tons in South…show more content…
The government provides relatively equal access to high quality education for everyone. 98% of South Koreans aged 25-34 have the equivalent of a high school degree while going through about 17.5 years of education in between the ages of 5 and 39. This can be contrasted to the 84% of Australians aged 25-34 have the equivalent of a high school degree and have undertaken 18.8 years of education in between the ages of 5 and 39. Australia is on the move to minimal government interference. In Australia, 46% of people say they trust their national

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