Comparing The Wolf In London And White Fang's Stereotypes

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Through the latter half of the 20th century, the wolf became increasingly presented as an evil spirit and as a symbol contradiction of nature. London concluded that the fittest is destined to survive are the ruthless and most powerful. However, the fittest may possibly be categorized as being the most adaptive, corporative and ingenious. London's portrayal of wolves do not fit into the stereotypes of wolves, he had intentions, presenting them in a way he needed them to be. They are wolves who strategize, take offense, concern and have certain intentions. Likewise, the big bad wolf in little red riding hood, the three little pigs and the boy who cried wolf is commonly depicted as evil stereotypes. Their evil is seen as a sign of the wild.…show more content…
This immediately relates to the negative impressions of contemporary society with our irresponsible actions such as deforestation and pollution that is affecting wildlife. Both London and White Fang's outlook was bleak and materialistic, surrounded by a continuum of harshness that run unbroken from human to canine to nature itself. The world as he saw it was a "fierce and brutal world, a world without warmth, a world in which caresses and affection and the bright sweetness's of the spirit did not exist" (London, White Fang, 1906). A truth that is evident in humans and animals "Human cruelty just breeds more cruelty" (London, White Fang, 1906). In the same line, London reveals how love can overpower that. London's link to animal imagery "Gobbling up a fluffy baby bird is ugly, but it's the only thing that lets you survive" " (London, White Fang, 1906) suggests that White Fang only kills because he hates due to what us Humans forced out of him. It transformed him into the most fearful of wild beasts, which was said to have been "born to him through the bars of the cage" (London, White Fang, 1906). London displays the sense the she-wolf, K'iche's battle instincts. Deep inside, she is friendly and kind, however, her hunger overpowers those

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