Sandra Cisneros Research Paper

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Paige Brumm D Block Sandra Cisneros Sandra Cisneros is one of the first Hispanic-American writers who has achieved commercial success. She is lauded by literary scholars and critics for works which help bring the perspective of Chicano (Mexican-American) women into the mainstream of literary feminism Sandra Cisneros was born on December 20, 1954, in a poor neighborhood of Chicago. She lived in a neighborhood primarily populated by Hispanic immigrants. Sandra Cisneros’ father was a Mexican immigrant, and her mother was a Mexican- American from a working class family that had lived in the United States for many generations. Sandra Cisneros and her three older brothers and three younger brothers moved from Chicago to Mexico and back to Chicago many times. Sandra Cisneros’ parents valued education highly; that’s the reason that she went to private schools through high school. Sandra Cisneros’ childhood was spent moving from place to place; she never had a place that she felt was home, but she…show more content…
This community of writers and artists works for non-violent social change; they strive to do this in their writing and artwork. Sandra Cisneros has been holding this workshop annually. It originated in Sandra Cisneros' kitchen with about 10 participants; it has since grown to have over 120 participants. Her workshop participants are writers working on crossing cultural, economic, and social borders in their writing. Sandra Cisneros created the Elvira Cordero Cisneros Award, named in honor of her mother, to help writers be able to fully focus on their writing by providing health insurance to writers and their families, and also gives them the opportunity to participate in her Casa Azul Residency Program, a program where struggling writers can be separated from daily stress to find

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