Summary: The Dallas Cowboys

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In the beginning of the 2014 season The Dallas Cowboys were predicted to have an awful season following that they haven’t been to the NFL playoffs since 2009. Needless to say that the Cowboys had a major breakthrough this past 2014 season by finally making it to the playoffs and finishing with a 12-4 record. After having three consecutive 8-8 seasons they finally pulled off the impossible and proved to be one of the top teams in the NFL. The Dallas Cowboys have had this success due to the new changes made by the overall management of the team. By effectively choosing to make smart decisions in the preseason, mid-season and playoffs the leaders got to finally experience a successful season. The Cowboys were tired of having mediocre seasons,…show more content…
In the first stage of the process is the preliminary stage, which would be The Combine and NFL Draft for the Cowboys. In The Combine the Cowboys watched the college football players every carefully so they know who they wanted in the Draft. The Dallas Cowboys had 11 picks in the 2014 NFL Draft. Their first pick was offensive tackle Zack Martin from Notre Dame, who will be an ideal lineman who will excel at protecting the quarterback Tony Romo. In the second round The Cowboys were able to take defensive end Demarcus Lawrence from Boise State, which could be a huge addition and gives the team insurance if other players leave. One of the last important players gained in the Draft was the fourth-round was linebacker Anthony Hitchens from the University of Iowa. Hitchens will be able to contribute immediately on special teams. Once the drafts final rounds began The Cowboys strategy was to focus heavily on gaining players for the defensive side. At the end of the draft the Cowboys had a pretty good selection of talented players from the draft who could change the fate of the 2014…show more content…
First of the Cowboys have started to feel a lot better about there 2014 season. At this point they had the NFL’s best record their 6-1 starts. So when the changes management made prior to the season are working this well, then they really don’t want to mess with the success. These results have become one if the top storylines in the NFL. The midseason MVP is DeMarco Murray, who opened the season with eight straight 100-yard rushing games. The Cowboys are defiantly reaping the benefits from his talent and to be able to keep Murray it will cost them a lot of money in the future. The biggest disappointment so far in the season has been Morris Claborn because he has yet to play up to the potential many had for him. He has now been on the team for three years and has bought nothing to the table. Right now The Cowboys are clearly fighting for a playoff spot. They need to make one adjustment and that they need to remember is they are the team with a target on their back that everyone else is chasing. So they need to maintain focus and just take care of business. Since The Cowboys have done a great with having a head coach like Jason Garrett, who has no better approach of keeping his on point then any other coach in the

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