The Joy Luck Club

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Houston, Texas is one of the largest cities in Texas. Houston has its upper class side, with massive malls and art galleries and its lower class side with gang activity and violence. I grew up on the not so pretty side of town. My mother dropped out of school in 9th grade and had me when she was sixteen years old. My father was kicked out of school when he was seventeen years old and sent to a juvenile detention center and later transferred to Harris County Jail. My mother didn’t have a steady job, therefore we didn’t have a permanent home; we were constantly moving from place to place. During this time, I was just an infant and didn’t really know much about our living conditions and situations. However, as I grew older I became aware of certain…show more content…
When we had a question she always told us to exhaust all of our resources before we came and asked her. She made us read Amy Tan’s novel “The Joy Luck Club” and write an 8 page paper on it. I really didn’t understand the novel at first, so I re-read it and decided to research the book and author as well. I discovered numerous amounts of insightful information and gained a firm grasp of the purpose and meaning behind the book. I realized after gaining understanding of the novel I was more interested and excited to write my paper. I felt I really connected with the novel and was able to explain it well. I would say this Book report was the writing assignment that really kindled my fix for writing. After receiving my grade I found myself wondering each time I wrote a new paper how it could be better than the last paper I had…show more content…
I was able to learn how to communicate in different ways other than words. I was taught leadership skills and how to face challenges head on in a way that neither a regular teacher nor textbook could. Out of 365 cadets enrolled in the program I emerged as the number one cadet. I was the Battalion Commander for my high school’s JROTC program and with this authority came great responsibility. I worte 5 speeches my senior year, each of them required 3 rough drafts and a final copy. I also had to present our data and statistics of our program to representatives of the United States Army, requiring me to write multiple documents, speeches and power points. This program helped me get scholarships to the University of Texas and of course with scholarships comes more writing. In this program, we wrote in journals daily about how we felt, what are goals were for the week, how grades were and what we want to improve on. This journal, I felt, was very expressive writing; I felt this was the class I was able to write my personal thoughts down. Throughout the years of high school I think everyone’s favorite time was summer, however, with me that wasn’t the case. Because of my placement in the gifted and talented program I was taken to get a library card and had to read a total of 4 different novels from different genres every summer and write
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