The best example is that the processing of message signal through the BPSK modulation where it processes the message signal and embeds with the carrier signal and transmits it through the air. Any processing of signal is done by the system. In the above example it is clear that the BPSK modulation is a system. In general system is defined as the physical device which is used to process any kind of signal. Modulators, Demodulators, Multiplexers
Advantages of Multiphase induction machines are numerous in Oil & Gas processing, manufacturing and automation industrial sectors, when compared to their three-phase synchronous machine counterpart. As the number of machine’s phases is essentially unrestricted when the motor is supplied from a power electronic switching converters, even though multiphase induction motor drives are potentially feasible solution for numerous applications, currently induction machines are not losing their importance
5.2 Component overview: There are a few basic components that every quad-copter must have to function. These are the control board (Arduino Uno in our case), the electronic speed controllers, multiple sensors, the motors and propellers, the power supply and the frame. The following block diagram illustrates the overall system of quadcopter. 5.1.1 Arduino Uno The Arduino uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs)
ICT-NE ZigBee protocol Supervisor: Tryfon Theodorou Abdulrhman aljbr 202362308 [Submission Date] Table of Contents ABSTRACT 2 1. Introduction 2 2. History 2 3. ZIGBEE USE CASE 2 4. ZIGBEE ARCHITECTURE AND APPLICATIONS 2 4.4. Describe the structure of this manuscript (each chapter with one sentence). 2 2. Background information (History) 3 3. Design and architecture 3 3.1. Requirement (Basic). 3 3.2. Design 3 3.2.1. Use case 3 4. Implementation 3 4.1. implementation tools (small description)