Steele 1 Jacob Steele English 11 Monday, June 15th Sherman Alexie and N. Scott Momaday Essay Alexie and Momaday have in a lot of things in common and some main differences too. Sherman Alexie and N. Scott Momaday have a lot in common, they both are famous poets and have many awards. Sherman Alexie was awarded the National Book Award for Young People's Literature this one of four annual National Book Awards, which are given by the National Book Foundation to admit great literary work by US citizens
ourselves to do the same back. In Sherman Alexie’s Flight, Alexis implies that to dissipate anger, empathy over those who hate shouldn’t focus on one person’s perspective, but to think out of the box and actually view the whole picture to see their true self. One must accept it and forgive. The moment Zit’s father says no to his grandfather’s question, the old man leaves, leaving Zit’s father to cry, but comes back and tells his father “I want you to know what I know, you ain’t worth shit now. And