Secularism And Secularism

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Secularism is not equivalent to religion; however it does play a similar role to religion when it comes to politics. The mechanism in which it does this is through activism with the objective of uniting secularist into a single cohesive bloc by replacing the sacred in society with the profane. Theories such as secularization and modernization theory support the argument that the “advancement of a society will lead to rejection [and] need of a belief in the super natural” (Morris, Secularization PowerPoint Slides, 2018). Furthermore, there is a clash that exists between religion and secularism that is similar to other different competing religions. Cases in Israel and in the United States support this idea that although secularism is not a religion,…show more content…
Additionally, secularization theory borrows similar aspects from modernization theory and assumes five critical aspects that help explain natural occurrence of the predicted demise of religion. The first assumption is that modernization is a casual engine that includes industrialization, urbanization, and rationalism. It is important to note that secularization theory is not the separation of church and state rather it’s the privatization of taking religion of the public sphere. The theory also asserts that science significantly impacts the decline in religion by providing answers that religion would otherwise have answered. Once the religion is removed from the public sphere, secularization theory argues that it is irreversible in a society and therefore cannot return. The final assumption of secularization theory is that secularization is a universal phenomenon in the sense that this can apply to any religion and is not restricted by region or culture (Morris, Secularization PowerPoint Slides, 2018). Under the modernization and secularization theory, we should expect the role of religion to decline and eventually disappear as science and technology continue to expand in society. There are criticisms and challenges to these theories such as secularism occurring in Europe prior to modernization and Europe experiencing a decline in religious participation but not a decline in religious beliefs. Additionally, forceful secularization in countries such as France and Turkey have not had a permanent impact towards removing religion from the public sphere as it has increase religious opposition to the states. (Morris, Secularization PowerPoint Slides, 2018). The criticisms, however, may be explained by the fact that there is no universal form of secularism and therefore becomes a difficulty for proponents of secularism to

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