Examples Of Future Values

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1. Introduction This assignment made me reflected on my past, my present and my future. Stopping and taking the time to think is not always easy but crucial, in order to plan the future. This paper will analyze my current values and will discuss the vision I have for my future. It will also examine my weakness and strengths and will discuss of my short-term objectives to realize my future life vision. Overall, even if it was not an easy exercise, it was helpful. 2. Values that drives my motivation and result of Learning Style Inventory It was actually a hard exercise to find which were the main values that drive my motivations, not because I didn't know the values important to me, but because there were many possibilities. Moreover,…show more content…
We live together. We are thinking to start our own family. Friendship and family: I have a vast circle of friends, and we see each other often. We like to do activities during the weekend together and travel together. I am also close and still in contact with my friends from high school. We have monthly dinner and a yearly camping trip. Moreover, I am close to my family; I see them often and we activities and travel together. Money: My boyfriend and I have bought a house and a four apartment building to rent. I have been able to save money, and I have just finished a course on online trading. I now start making money out of it. Moreover, I have been putting money in REER, CELI and my work pension plan. Give: I volunteer 3 hours a week in my community, as giving back to the community is important for me. Moreover, I take part in the bi-annual cleaning day of my community. I have a garden and offer the extra vegetables to the local homeless…show more content…
Personal business plan Objectives How What support or resources will I need? How will I measure success? Target date for review? Improve my public speaking skills and feel more confident to talk in front of a group by the end of the year Join Toastmaster in my community - Time and a community By being comfortable giving a presentation October 2017 Take every opportunity that I have to talk in front of the public and seek constructive feedback. - My time and courage - Ask the lecturers and my colleagues' feedback Read book about the subject - Only my time - I already have books on the subject Find a work contract for this summer in Europe where I can gain further management experience and improve my delegation, conflict management, development of others and leadership skills. Take online class on management and read about it weekly - My time - Free online June 2017 Re-write my resume for April 1, 2017 Research job online in April/ May Send my resume every day in April/May 2017 - My time -Internet Discuss with teachers and European students for possible opportunities

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