Scout And Scout Comparison Essay

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Scout and Lily are two very strong characters in two amazing works of literature. Lily is a character in The Secret Life of Bees, and Scout is a character in To Kill a Mockingbird. Both are great characters, but you can find differences and similarities in their views on the topics to come. The ways they are similar or different are their experiences and attitudes towards race, stereotypes, and biases. Race plays a big role in both the novels, despite the fact they interpret it differently. It is very clear that Scout doesn’t really care about the skin color of the people in the town. She sees a lot of the racism in her town from her father’s occupation. Scout is constantly confused on why the men want to hurt Tom Robinson, who is an African American whom Scout’s father is defending. She is…show more content…
She also says in the novel that, “Naw Jem, I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” (Lee 304), this is showing race doesn’t bother her at all. Although race is a big deal in the novels, biases are equally as important. The way that biases are formed is by the race you are, in Scout’s world and time. Because Tom Robinson is black and was accused of raping Mayella, The people in the courtroom (who are mostly white) are going to go for the white female that accused him, even if she’s the one lying. Mayella was accusing Tom of raping her. She didn’t provide very strong evidence to support her claim and always sounded nervous when she is going to answer a question asked by Scout’s father. An example of this is when she is asked by Atticus if she loves her father, “‘Do you love your father, Miss Mayella.’ was his next. ‘Love him,
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