Sample Nursing Case Study

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CC Ms. Johnson is a 37-year-old female here today complaining of pain in the right hip and groin area. HPI The patient tells me it started about a week ago. She had been trying to do a lot of stretches, lately. She is trying to exercise. She is really working towards trying to lose some weight. She does not recall a specific injury or trauma, but thinks it is when she was stretching that she started noticing some pain in the right hip and groin area. Over the weekend, after noticing this, she essentially rested, because of other reasons. She got a bad cold and she essentially just laid around. That did not really seem to make a whole lot of a difference. This week, the pain is worse as she gets up and moves around more. She describes it as a shooting pain into the right thigh and into the groin more. She has not had a fall. There has not been any other specific injury that she is aware of. It is very hard for her to get comfortable, particularly at nighttime, because the pain is so significant. She did take ibuprofen yesterday and found that to be very minimally useful. She has never had anything like this prior. She does do a lot of lifting at her job. She is not sure if there could be something related to her lifting. She is not having pain in the back. She is…show more content…
At this point, I am going to have her do an ultrasound, as well as an x-ray. I will review results with her when available. I did give her oxycodone 5 mg one to two p.o. every eight hours p.r.n. #20 with no refills. I reviewed the use and side effects with her. She is aware of what to be monitoring for with that. She will not drink alcohol with it nor drive with it. If her symptoms worsen acutely through the weekend, she will seek care. Otherwise, will review the results of the testing when available. She voices understanding of these recommendations and was comfortable with the

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