Running Like A Girl Book Report

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Witty, Funny, Inspiring, Running like a Girl by Alexandra Heminsley Introduction: Many times, you carve to do something but you cannot do because of either hesitation or it’s kind of impossible to you. You think that you are not made for do this or it is certainly not your cup of tea. Have you checked your limitations yet? Did you once try to stretch your work beyond your limitation? If yes, you know what Alexandra Heminsley depicts in the book. The book is an instant hit and is one of the top selling books in the health segment. Books Review: Running like a Girl is a story about a 30 years old girl next door “Alexandra Heminsley”. She is curvy, chubby and funny. She wants to lose some shed from her body; she did try lot of things actually like hitting many gyms and spending a good fortune over them, watching her gorgeous roommate daily running and glowing and try to run like her. But did she succeed, or she failed?…show more content…
It is inspiring. It encourages you to do things that you are afraid of, to exceed your own limitation and make a new boundary line for you much ahead from the old one. No doubt, Running like a girl is one of the top books about running. Why is it one of the top selling books about running? You may have read other books about running but what makes the “running like a Girl” is among the tops books about running is not a mystery. It’s a simple and honest story about constant defeats, learning to have patience, to practice daily and finally to overcome from the defeat and do the unthinkable. The story tells about the false hope that Alexandra Heminsley had about transform herself completely just by running some miles. It talks about going beyond the brutality. When Alexandra hit the road, she failed obviously but she tried and tried and finally won her first marathon with her brother. And she just didn’t stop here; she completed five marathons after
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