Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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(Hook) There is something both frightening, yet so very comforting about love. Love is one of the most extraordinary ideas the human mind has created. It leads to lasting friendships, loving relationships, and faithful marriages.(Control) In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare showed positive and negative effects of love. (GS1) Many authors works focus on the love of self. (GS2) Other authors write about the love of parents, and (GS3) some authors write about the love of friends. (Thesis) Love can be shown with both positive and negative effects, such as (1) love of self, (2) love of parents, and (3) love of friends. Konopka 2 (Topic Sentence) Love of (1) self has both (MA) positive and (MB) negative experiences. (Rewording…show more content…
(Rewording of MA) Many positive experiences come with loving our parents. Love of parents is extremely important. (m1 for MA) Our parents were the ones that created us. Up to a certain age, we rely on them for pretty much everything. It is vital to love and respect our parents. (m2 for MA) Love of parents has many benefits such as strong relationships. We can learn very important life lessons from our parents such as cooking, cleaning, and how to respect and obey. (Rewording of MB) If one was to not love their parents, it can leave a very negative impact on their lives. (m1 for MB) It could force a separation of two parents due of constant arguing. Separation of two parents can also cause the entire family to fall apart and break away. (m2 for MB) Also, if an individual never showed love toward their parents, it could result in neglect or child abuse, which can be fatal. Love of parents is important no matter what the relationship between an individual and their parents…show more content…
(Rewording of MA) We can get many benefits from loving our friends. (m1 for MA) Besides family, friends are one of the most important things anyone can have in their life. They are there for us when we are in a time of crisis. Friends will give you a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, or just a smile to make you feel like everything is okay. If one loves their friends, it can have a very positive impact on their life. (m2 for MA) Strong relationships are formed and will last for eternity. We will always know that someone will come running when we need a friend. Trust will be developed. Friends make life worth living. So many unique memories are created that are irreplaceable, but all of that can come crashing down at any point in your life. (Rewording of MB) There are negative experiences that come along with friends. (m1 for MB) One example would be drama. Drama happens all of the time and can lead to bad outcomes such as mistrust or broken relationships. (m2 for MB) Another example would be bad communication between two people. Lying and keeping secrets causes bad communication and can also lead to broken relationships and mistrust. One should always stay loyal and honest to their friends if they are expecting long lasting

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