Everyday Use By Alice Walker: Summary

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In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, story about a mother and her two daughters who are poor and black. The mom worked hard throughout all her life to provide for her two daughters. The house they live in is made from old wood with windows that are holes cut into the walls. The yard is hard clay that has been swept neatly is also used as an extended living room since it lets more air in. One of the daughters, Dee, has always disliked where she was raised. She did not want to be poor anymore, and disliked her environment. Dee was intelligent, she went away to college, and entered a different social class. She goes through an identity revolution; she changes her name to "Wango." On the other hand, Dee’s sister, Maggie, is shy. She is an adult but continues to live with her…show more content…
She still has the scars on her arms from a fire in their old house. Maggie feels intimidated by Dee, because of Dee’s success. She was feeling like her mother might love Dee more because of what she has accomplished. When Dee comes to see her mother and sister she is accompanied by a man, and has a new outlook on things. She then takes pictures of her mother and sister in their house and reminisces about the benches that were handmade. She remembers her grandmother's quilts and tells her mother she wants them, she didn’t want the ones with any machine stitching. Maggie looks at her mother feeling she will give the quilt to Dee that she had wished would be hers. The mother decides who will get them. She thinks Maggie should get them. Dee wants to display them but Maggie wants it for everyday use. The mom gives them to Maggie. Maggie is proud and sees the love her

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