Romans 13: 10: No Law But Love

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No Law but Love Romans 13:10 The first few verses of Romans 13, deals on the issue about submission to authority. Paul reminded the Christians in Rome to submit to rulers and respect those in authority, for they were instituted by God to govern the people. But in the following verses, Paul turns his attention to the Christian’s obligation to love. This describes clearly the Christian’s responsibility toward all people. Our relationship to others can be summarized in one word, namely love. Love one another is the basic principle of the Christian life. Love is the basic theme found through out the scripture. The new commandment Jesus gave His followers is "that you love one another, even as I have loved you that you love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35). The scriptures, further, inscribe that love is also the fulfillment of the law, "For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law". This implies that all that the law requires is to “love” others. Observing the word fulfilling the law, it means “completion” or meeting the requirements of the Law and if people truly “loved”…show more content…
What, then, shall we say of the morality of people in our time? What shall we think about the bombing and killings all over the world? What are the origin of all the disputes in the world but a want of love? That is why love is the fulfilling of the law. As love will prevent everything, which the law forbids, love must, consequently, be what fulfills the love. Love will prevent murder, love will stop the killings, and love will lead to honesty and sincere leadership and even the smallest degree of hatred to another. That is what Romans 13:10 demonstrate, “Love does no harm”. Love does no evil to a neighbor, to a friend, to women, men and children, not even to a single

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